The innovative gardening project will help us to take care of the innovative gardens we have established.
We can get information on innovative gardening from digital sources.
Information searching
Activity 1
Getting information on innovative gardening from digital and print sources.
Use digital devices to search for information on innovative gardening.
Let us practice
Working in groups
With the help of your teacher or ICT specialist, carry out the following practices:
- Use digital devices with internet to search for key words “Innovative gardening practices.”
- Download the information.
- Create a folder and name it “Innovative gardening.”
- Store the information in this folder.
Make use of presentation to share your experiences with the other groups.
Let us understand
- Digital devices give us more information on innovative gardening.
- Information stored in the digital device can be used when needed.
- More information about innovative gardening can be added to the folder.
Presentation of information on innovative gardening practices for vegetables
The information in a digital device can be obtained and used to make presentation.
Activity 2
Sharing experiences and presenting information on innovative gardening practices.
Let us present
Working in groups
- Discuss your experiences on innovative gardening practises for vegetables.
- Prepare a presentation on innovative gardening practices you carried out by either:
- Printing photographs.
- Using the information stored in the digital device.
- Using photographs taken while working on your innovative gardens.
- Make a presentation on:
- Practises carried out on innovative gardens.
- Importance of innovative gardening.
- Problems you encountered.
- How you solved the problems.
- Answer any questions asked by the other learners.
Learners presenting information on innovative vegetable gardening in front of the class.
Let us understand
Presenting work using digital devices increases communication skills and personal confidence.
Gardening practices on vegetables in the innovative gardens
How can we take care of vegetables growing in the innovative gardens?
Activity 3
Watching a video clip on innovative gardening practices carried out on vegetables.
Let us watch
Search and watch a video clip on gardening practices carried out on vegetables in the gardens.
Working in groups
- Find out which practices are carried out in innovative vegetable gardens.
- Discuss how each practice should be carried out.
Look at the following pictures. Use the pictures to guide you to carry out some gardening practices on your innovative gardens.
- Identify the practices being carried out in each of the pictures.
- What are the learners doing in the carrot garden?
- What care should they take when working in a carrot garden?
Share your experiences with the other groups.
Let us undersstand
- Thinning: This is removing excess plants from the garden.
- Weeding: Uprooting the unwanted plants.
- Watering: Giving the plants enough water to prevent drying up.
Activity 4
Carrying out gardening practices on vegetables in the innovative gardens.
Let us practice
Working in groups
Carry out the following activities in the innovative gardens:
- Uproot all the weeds from the sack gardens, the plastic pipes, bottles and wall gardens.
- Water the innovative gardens.
- Remove diseased plants by uprooting them from the innovative gardens.
- Keep records such as dates of all the activities you do. A sample record is shown below.
Innovative garden activities record
Date | Activity Done |
22/9/2021 | Preparing |
10/10/2021 | Weeding |
22/10/2021 | Removal of diseased plants |
- Take photos of the activities as you carry them out.
Share with the other groups.
Let us understand
- Avoid damaging the roots of the vegetable crops during weeding and thinning.
- Take care not to apply too much water to the plants.
- Weeds should be uprooted as soon as they appear.
- Record keeping is important for the gardening practices.
- Harvest vegetables from the innovative gardens when they are ready.
Harvesting vegetables from innovative gardens
How are vegetables harvested from the innovative gardens?
Activity 5
Harvesting vegetables from innovative gardens.
Before harvesting,we should find out whether the vegetables are mature.
Let us practice
Working in groups
Find out if vegetables in the innovative garden are ready for harvesting.
The photographs below show mature vegetables in innovative gardens.
Mature vegetables in innovative garden
- Find out how each vegetable you planted in the innovative garden is harvested.
- Harvest the vegetables from innovative gardens.
- Weigh the harvested vegetables.
- Record the date and the weight of the harvested vegetables.
- Take photos of the vegetables at the stages of harvesting.
Let us understand
- Only mature vegetables are harvested.
- Onion bulbs become large while leaves bend and dry off.
- Cabbage heads become firm.
- Kales, spinach, coriander, lettuce, pigweed and black nightshade are harvested when the leaves grow large.
- Avoid damage to the vegetables when harvesting.
- The vegetables are weighed after harvesting.
Use of digital devices to keep records on vegetable gardening practices
Records on vegetable gardening practices can be kept in a digital device. How can we use a digital device to keep records on vegetable gardening practices?
Activity 6
Using digital devices to keep records on vegetable gardening practices.
Let us practice
With the help of your teacher and an ICT specialist, carry out the following in groups:
- Create a table in a digital device such as computer, laptop or tablet with six columns as shown below:
Date | Innovative Garden | Crop | Practice | Yields | Remarks |
- Create a folder and name it “vegetable gardening practices.”
- Save the table you have created in your digital device.
- Record dates, practices and amount of yield when the harvesting is done.
- What problems did you have when keeping records using digital devices?
- What did you do about the problems?
Share your experiences with the other groups.
Let us understand
- Digital devices can be used to store records on practices done on vegetable gardening.
- The records can easily be used for presentation.
- Records show how the crop performed for future improvement.
Activity 7
Making presentation of various activities in innovative garden project.
How can we make pictorial presentation on various stages of the innovative gardening project?
Let us practice
Working in groups
- Select the photos for presentation from the folder you named “Innovative gardening.”
- Arrange the photos in the order of the dates the practices were carried out.
- Decide on who will do each activity during the presentation.
- Make your presentation using either printed photos, digital screens, projector.
- Answer any questions from other learners.
Let us understand
- Design your presentation in a way that it looks interesting.
- Each member of the group should be given an opportunity to participate in the presentation.
Establishing innovative vegetable gardens at home
Home project
- How do we establish an innovative vegetable garden at home?
- How do we keep records and practices of innovative vegetable gardens at home?
Activity 8
Establishing innovative vegetable gardens at home:
Using our skills, we can help our parents or guardians to set up an innovative vegetable garden at home.
Let us practice at home
- Guide your parents or guardians to establish innovative vegetable gardens at home.
- Guide them to keep records of practices on innovative vegetable gardening.
Let us understand
- Innovative gardening helps us carry out different practices responsibly.
- Some of the materials used at home can be recycled and used on the innovative gardens.
- Record keeping skills are important in a gardening project.
- Vertical innovative gardens occupy space than horizontal innovative gardens.
- Re-using plastic bottles for innovative gardening helps us
- increase water sources.
- control soil erosion.
- conserve the environment.
- Which one of the following materials is not suitable to make a soil container for innovative gardens?
- Bamboo stems.
- Metal pipes.
- Wooden boxes.
- Identify the type of innovative garden shown in the following picture.
- Harvesting kales from the innovative gardening is done when:
- Leaves are large.
- Leaves turn yellow.