Ordering decimals from the smallest to the largest
Which is larger: 0.003 or 0.007?
- In pairs, draw and label the number line as shown.
- Circle 0.003 and 0.007. Which decimal is greater 0.003 or 0.007?
- Discuss and share the results with other groups.
Example 3
Arrange the decimals 0.425, 0.405 and 0.415 from the smallest to the largest.
The order is: 0.405, 0.415 and 0.425
Numbers increase to the right on the number line and decrease to the left.
Example 4
Arrange the following numbers from the smallest to the largest: 0.413, 0.437, 0.425, 0.408.
Check the digits in each place value.
The order is 0.408, 0.413, 0.425 and 0.437.