Match the climatic region to the correct climatic characteristics.
Climatic Region     Climatic Characteristics
  • Experiences heavy conventional rainfall.
  • It is mainly hot and wet.
  • Covers the coastal areas near the Indian ocean and lake victoria.
  • Receives rainfall throughout the year and is mainly cool and wet.
  • Covers Kenyan Highlands and parts of the Rift Valley.
  • Temperature ranges between 0-15C
  • Covers Mount Kenya and Mount Elgon areas.
  • Experiences high temperatures and has got one rainy season.
  • Covers Kwale, Taita and Narok areas.
  • Most of the months are dry causing drought.
  • Experiences high daytime temperatures and very low night temperatures.
  • Covers Chalbi and Taru desert.
  • Temperatures are high during the day and low at night.
  • Very low rainfall per year.
  • Covers northern,North Eastern and some parts of Eastern Kenya.
Mountain Climate
Modified Tropical Climate
Semi-Desert Climate
Modified Equatorial