Subtraction of up to 6-digit numbers without regrouping
Group Activity 1
What is 73 649 – 2 516?
In groups of five:
- Represent the number 73 649 on an abacus.
- Show how to subtract 2 511 from the number shown on the abacus as follows:
- Remove 6 rings from the ones.
- Remove 1 ring from the tens.
- Remove 5 rings from the hundreds.
- Remove 2 rings from the thousands.
- Read the number represented by the remaining rings on the abacus.
- Discuss and share the results with other groups.
- A number from which another number is to be subtracted is called a minuend.
- The number being subtracted is called a subtrahend.
Example 1
What is 795 648 – 41 325?
Align the digits according to their place value.
Exercise A
In pairs, work out:
Work out: