Chapter 9.2 (Mathematics 5)

Finding area of rectangles and squares by counting one centimetre squares

Print the worksheet for group activity and exercise (actual size).

Finding area by counting one centimetre squares

In pairs:

  1. Prepare one centimetre squares.
  2. Cut out the rectangle on the worksheet.
  3. Cover the rectangle fully using the one centimetre squares.
  4. Count the number of one centimetre squares used.
  5. Discuss in your groups and share with other groups.


The number of one centimetre squares used to cover the rectangle is its area.

Example 1

Trace and cut out the rectangle shown. Find the area of the rectangular cut-out by covering it with 1 cm squares.

The rectangle is covered with 20 one centimetre squares. The area of the rectangle is 20 cm2.

In pairs, cut out shapes on the worksheet. Use one centimetre squares to find the area of each.

  1.  sq. cm
  2.  sq. cm
  3.  sq. cm
  4.  sq. cm
  5.  sq. cm
  6.  sq. cm