Chapter 9.1 (Mathematics 5)

Square centimetre

Print the worksheet for group activities and exercises (actual size).

Square centimetre (1 cm²) as a unit of measuring area

Group Activity 1

In groups of three:

  1. Find the shape on the worksheet.
  2. Cut out the small squares and measure the length of the sides of each square.
  3. Discuss in your group and share with other groups.


  • The length of the square is 1 cm.
  • The width of the square is 1 cm.
  • The area covered by a square that measures 1 cm by 1 cm is one square centimetre (1 cm2).

Exercise A

In pairs, trace and cut out each of the rectangles on the worksheet into one centimetre squares.

Use of one centimetre square (1 cm²) to find area

In groups of four:

  1. Prepare one centimetre squares.
  2. Find the rectangle on the worksheet.
  3. Use the one centimetre squares to fully cover the rectangle.
  4. Count the number of one centimetre squares used.
  5. Discuss in your group and share with other groups.

In pairs:

  1. Cut out each of the shapes.
  2. Use one centimetre squares to cover each shape fully.
  3. Count the number of one centimetre squares used.
    1.  squares
    2.  squares