Chapter 11.4 (Mathematics 5)

Addition of Litres and Millilitres

Addition of litres and millilitres without conversion

Group Activity 5

A thermos flask contained 2 l 350 ml of porridge while a jug contained 3 l 420 ml of the porridge. How much porridge was in the two containers?

In pairs:

  1. Set the addition of the two amounts of porridge in a vertical form.
  2. Add the millilitres first.
  3. Record the sum in the millilitres column.

l ml 2 350 + 3 420

  1. Add the litres.
  2. Record the sum in the litres column.
  3. Discuss the results and share with other groups.

Example 5

Add 1 l 250 ml to 4 l 600 ml

l ml 1 250 + 4 600 5 850

Exercise G

  1. 90 ml + 80 ml =  ml
  2. 350 ml + 570 ml =  ml

c) l ml 2 350 + 250

d) l ml 50 + 7 600

e) l ml 13 250 + 6 80

a) l ml 2 170 + 120

b) l ml 5 620 + 1 135

c) l ml 12 729 + 7 154

Answer. Both can hold 
 l  ml altogether.

Answer. They take
 l  ml of water altogether.

Answer. There was
 l  ml of water in both containers.

Addition of litres and millilitres with conversion

Group Activity 6

Two cows each produced 12 l 600 ml and 18 l 500 ml of milk. How much milk in total was produced by the cows?

In pairs:

  1. Set the addition of the two amounts of milk in a vertical form.
  2. First add the millilitres. Convert the sum into litres (l) and millilitres (ml).

l ml 12 600 + 18 500

  1. Write ml in the millilitre column.
  2. Add the 1 litre carried to 12 l and 18 l.
  3. Write the sum of the litre in the litres column.
  4. Discuss the result and share with other groups.

Example 6

l ml 2 850 + 5 640 8 490

  1. 850 ml + 640 ml =1 490 ml
  2. Write 490 ml
  3. Add 1 l to the sum of 2 l and 5 l and write 8 l

Exercise H

a) l ml 1 650 + 8 405

b) l ml 3 217 + 4 928

c) l ml 8 690 + 10 825

d) l ml 13 895 + 9 715

a) l ml 5 650 + 900

b) l ml 13 250 + 21 905

c) l ml 121 700 + 20 890

d) l ml 207 900 + 45 700

  1. 3 l 750 ml + 5 l 655 ml =
     l  ml
  2. 9 l 650 ml + 725 ml =
     l  ml
  3. 8 l 450 ml + 13 l 870 ml =
     l  ml

Answer. There was 
 l  ml of milk in the two containers altogether.

Answer. The mixture was
 l  ml.