Horizontal lines
Group Activity 1
In groups of four:
- Run your hands along horizontal edges of a table.
- Run your hands along horizontal edges of a desk.
- Run your hands along horizontal edges of a chalkboard.
- Run your hands along horizontal edges of windows and doors.
- Discuss and share with other groups.
Horizontal line is a straight line which runs from left to right across the page.

Horizontal lines in the classroom and in the environment
Which lines are horizontal?

Drawing horizontal lines
Group Activity 2
In pairs:
- Place your ruler on a paper and draw a line from left to right.
- Use other objects with straight edges and draw other lines to run from left to right.
- Discuss and share with other groups.
Identifying and drawing vertical lines
Group Activity 3
In groups of four:
- Run your hands along the legs of a table.
- Run your hands along corners of your two walls.
- Discuss your results and share with other groups.
A vertical line runs straight up and down.

Vertical lines in the classroom and in the environment

Drawing vertical lines
Group Activity 4
In pairs:
- Place a ruler on a piece of paper and draw a line running from top to bottom.
- Use other objects with straight edges to draw other lines to run from top to bottom.
- Discuss and share with other groups.