Services Provided by Banks
Group Activity 6
- Class listens to a resource person from the bank to discuss the services given.
- Ask questions about the bank services presented by the resource person.
Group Activity 7
In groups of five:
- Discuss the bank services presented by the resource person.
- Share the results with other groups.
Some services provided by the bank are:
- Accepting deposits.
- Withdrawal of money.
- Provide loans and other credit facilities.
- Bill clearance.
- Payroll services for the salary.
- Forex exchange services.

Exercise D
In groups, discuss five services provided by banks.
Saving wisely
In groups of five:
- Write down two reasons why you should save money.
- Discuss your answer and share with other groups.
Some reasons for saving money include:
- To take care of basic needs such as food, clothing and shelter.
- To take care of emergency such as illness.
- To buy a house, a car or land.
- To buy a bicycle or pair of shoes.
In groups of five:
- Write down what you would consider in order to save wisely.
- Discuss your answer and share with other groups.
To save wisely consider:
- Available amount of money or income.
- Prices of items.
- How to pay for the items – cash or on credit.
- How much interest the money will earn.
- Budget.