Chapter 15.3 (Mathematics 5)


Identifying a turn as an angle

Group Activity 1

In groups of four:

  1. Make a complete clockwise turn.
  2. Make a clockwise half turn.
  3. Make a clockwise quarter turn.
  4. Discuss the activity and share with other groups.


  1. The amount of turn made is an angle.
  2. OA and OB are arms of angle AOB.

Exercise A


In pairs, form angles by opening and closing of:

  1. doors
  2. windows
  3. scissors
  4. book


In pairs, make angles by moving hands and legs.


Mark the angles in the following:

Identify the use of angles

Group Activity 2

In pairs:

  1. Get a clock face.
  2. Turn the arm of the clock face in clockwise direction to make quarter turn, half turn and complete turn.
  3. Turn the arm of the clock face to form other angles.
  4. Discuss the results and share with other groups.

Exercise B


Identify angles in the following items shown:


Identify angles in the shapes.


Identify where angles are used at home.