Subtraction of metres and kilometres without conversion
Group Activity 6
In pairs, find the length of the road that is not tarmacked.
The length of a road is 9 km 350 m. A section of the road, 4 km 160 m is tarmacked.
- To get the section not tarmacked, set the subtraction of 9 km 350 m from 4 km 160 m vertically.
- First subtract the metres and write the results under the metres column.
- Subtract the kilometres and write the results under the km column.
- Discuss the results and share with other groups.
Example 5
The length of a road is 12 km 475 m. A section of the road 4 km 315 m long was tarmacked. What length of the road was not tarmacked?
Length of the untarmacked road is 8 km 160 m.
Exercise G
In pairs, work out:
Work out:
- 5 km 800 m from 10 km 950 m
The result is km m. - 12 km 350 m from 25 km 485 m
The result is km m.
Subtraction of metres and kilometres with conversion
Group Activity 7
Mwandime covered 12 km 400 m in his journey. He covered 8 km 900 m by cycling and walked the rest of the journey.
In groups of three, work out the distance that he walked.
- Write the subtraction question vertically.
- First subtract the metres, that is, 900 m from 400 m. What do you notice? Remember 1000 m is 1 km.
- Regroup the metres and subtract.
- Subtract 8 km from the remaining 11 km.
- Discuss the results and share with other groups.
Example 6
Subtract 2 km 930 m
from 5 km 850 m.
- 850 – 930 is not possible.
- Regroup 1 km from the 5 km to 1000 m.
- Add 850 m to 1 000 m to get 1 850.
- 1 850 m – 930 m = 920 m. Write 920 m under the metres column.
- 4 km – 2 km = 2 km. Record 2 in the kilometres column.
Exercise H
In pairs, work out:
Work out:
- 25 km 620 m from 48 km 310 m
The result is km m. - 92 km 605 m from 125 km 115 m
The result is km m.
The railway